A long story

Our philosophy
and experience

What is Bodega Sembro?

Bodegas SEMBRO has been developing a small, artisanal winemaking project for years, created by the Osborne-Osborne family, whose tradition in the world of wine dates back over two centuries and has been present in Ribera del Duero and Rueda for 25 years, with various projects and productions.
One of our main pillars is the enthusiasm and tireless commitment to seek, study, identify, and elaborate grapes from unique estates in some of the most renowned areas of these Denominaciones de origen. This requires finding vineyards that have produced grapes of a specific variety for years, with the expressiveness of their surroundings and soils.

This is achieved through experience, thousands of hours of travel, conversations with vine growers and winemakers, research, wine tasting, and the occasional meal with local residents who share anecdotes about old vineyards. This is how the projects that are part of our company emerge, and today we can share them with our brands SEMBRO and VIÑA OROPÉNDOLA

Cata Vino Tinto Vineamagna
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Parra Vineamagna

In Ribera del Duero under the SEMBRO brand, which has a position in the markets of
almost 20 years, trying to express under the direct control of more than 60 ha of vineyards, the character
varietal and fruity of the Tinto Fino (Tempranillo) with a brief aging in the barrel between 3 – 4
months and with his older brother SEMBRO EDICIÓN LIMITADA make a selection that
usually exceeds 75 barrels per vintage to obtain a more balanced development in wood
and that gives roundness to the wine, hence its minimum aging is 12 months. Also the
Limited Edition of Sembro comes from the vineyards with the most limestone soils and the highest
polyphenolic concentration in its grapes.

famila osborne-osborne

En Ribera del Duero bajo la marca SEMBRO, que tiene un posicionamiento en los mercados de casi 20 años, intentan expresar bajo el control directo de más de 60 ha de viñedos, el carácter varietal y frutal de la Tinto Fino ( Tempranillo ) con un breve paso por barrica de entre 3 – 4 meses y con su hermano mayor SEMBRO EDICIÓN LIMITADA realizan una selección que no suele superar las 75 barricas por añada para obtener un desarrollo en madera más equilibrado y que le dé redondez al vino, de ahí que su crianza mínima sea de 12 meses. También la Edición Limitada de Sembro proviene de los viñedos de suelos más calizos y de mayor concentración polifenólica en sus uvas.

osborne-osborne vineamagna

One of our main pillars is the enthusiasm and tireless commitment to search, study, identify and produce grapes from unique estates in some of the most famous of these appellations of Origin. To do this, it is necessary to find vineyards that have produced grapes of a given variety for years with the expressiveness of its environment and soil. Finally, our interpretation through oenology, which is what we do as human beings until those grapes become wine, all while respecting of its terroir and personality.

This is achieved thanks to experience, thousands of hours of travel, talks with winegrowers, winemakers, research, wine tasting and the occasional meal with local residents who they tell us anecdotes of unique vineyards. This is how the wine projects that form
part of our company.

These plots within the Ribera del Duero denomination of origin are normally divided by the types of soil, its altitude and orography that is divided between the valley, the terraces and the moors (plateau) with respect to the famous Duero river. In the harvest of 2022 we start with the elaboration of two types of vineyards very adapted to their soil and environment, both from the Tinto Fino variety (Tempranillo). It is a vineyard of 3.5 hectares at an altitude of 973m in the town of Moradillo de Roa and another 4 plots of vineyards over 100 years old in the town of Quintana del Pidio. Both projects will see the light in the markets at the end of 2024 and 2025. For now we like to call them internally as the «Paramo» and another as the of the «Old Majuelos» both will combine the attributes of freshness, elegance and fruit concentration.

Philosophy of the Osborne-Osborne family

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Filosofía de la familia Osborne-Osborne

vid vineamagna

Borja Osborne Osborne, CEO of the company, always says that our philosophy is to ensure that every customer who uncorks one of our bottles at any part of the world is perceiving the aroma of that vineyard and its grape, and savoring the soil and the skin of its berries. Achieving this is not easy, since it takes years of experience in a specific area and in its vineyard to be able to interpret what the vineyard gives you without contributing production process sensory elements that do not enhance the aromas and flavors natural from those grapes. Wines with personality, careful, balanced, with potential for Store in the bottle and remember the environment from which they come.

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Racimo Tempranillo Vineamagna
VineaMagna Cata
Botella Sembro Vineamagna


For years, we have had a solid commercial network of national distributors and international importers who have become true friends and who bring our wines to restaurants and specialized stores in the main Spanish cities and the world. If you are a specialist in the distribution of high-end wines and you are interested in knowing if we can collaborate with you in your area of influence, do not hesitate to send us a message at info@bodegasembro.com, we will be happy to chat with you personally to analyze each situation. . On the other hand, if you are directly a restaurant professional and specialized store and you have not yet been presented with our wines, we can also assist you or give you information about the wines ourselves..


Contamos desde hace años con una sólida red de comercial de distribuidores nacionales e importadores internacionales que se han convertido en verdaderos amigos y que acercan nuestros vinos a los restaurantes y tiendas especializadas de las principales ciudades españolas y del mundo. Si eres un especialista de la distribución de vinos de gama alta y estas interesado en saber si podemos colaborar contigo en tu zona de influencia, no dudes en enviarnos un mensaje a info@bodegasembro.com y estaremos encantados de charlar personalmente contigo para analizar cada situación. Por otro lado, si directamente eres un profesional de la restauración y tienda especializada y aún no te han presentado nuestros vinos, de la misma forma te podremos atender o bien darte la información de los vinos nosotros mismos.and we will be happy to chat personally.

Racimo Tempranillo Vineamagna
VineaMagna Cata
Botella Sembro Vineamagna
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Viñedos de La Oropèndola

It is our project of the Denomination of Origin Rueda that includes a single white wine
of the Verdejo variety under the Viña Oropéndola brand and whose presence in the markets dates back more than 15 years. They are old vineyards, between 40 and 60 years old, which are on alluvial and rocky terraces of the Duero River. The vineyards are located in the northern area of Rueda, at an altitude of about 750 m. This gives them a significant thermal difference between day and night, which helps to create the original components of the flavors and aromas and that are present in the maturity of the grape and its skins, all of this is favored with the harvest nocturnal

For the production we have the help of the Bodega Diez Siglos located in the town of Serrada (Valladolid). A society made up of 65 expert winegrowers and lovers of their vineyards, supported by a modern winery for the production of white wines and equipped with the latest technology.

Racimo Uva Vineamagna
Vinedos-uva-verdejo Vineamagna
Vinedos-uva-verdejo Vineamagna
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